I have a water service to my property and need the water turned on/off.

Rules and Regulations Section II F – “An Owner may request a temporary disconnect or reconnect for the water supply to their lot, with at least twenty-four (24) hours notice to the water operator. The Owner must be present at the time of this service, and will be allowed one reconnect and one disconnect each calendar year at no charge. The Owner will be charged an hourly service rate, listed in the current rate schedule, for any additional or emergency requests beyond the allowed free disconnect/reconnect services.”  Please contact Jorgensen at 307-367-6548 to request a turn on/off of the water service.

I do not have a water service to my property and would like to have one installed.

A Water Service Application must be completed following the process on the application.   

Where does the HMR Water District responsibility end and mine begin?

Rules and Regulations Section II D – “The District will be responsible for installing and maintaining distribution lines to the saddle. The Owner will be responsible for installing and maintaining the line, to the District’s specifications and using the District’s approved contractors, from the saddle to the point of actual use, to include the curb stop and water meter.”

After Hours High Meadow Ranch Water District Emergencies
Sublette County Sheriff’s Office 307-367-4378 or 911