Events & News

The Water District monthly meeting will be June 20, 2024 at 6 PM. It will be held at the Richard Smythe Wellhouse located at 165 Sauk Trail. All are welcome to attend these meetings.

The Water District and Jorgensen are strongly encouraging homeowners to start watering your grass, flowers and gardens in the middle of the night when the water usage is really low. Thanks

Attention HMR Water District Property Owner

New water meters have been installed for the HMR Water System Improvements Project for Phase 1 and Phase 2 which was recently completed within the HMR Water District. Future projects (Phases 3) will include the installation of meters on all taps within the District. These water meters will provide for the fair and equitable billing of water usage among users (in the future). These water meters are also a requirement of the funding agencies that have provided a significant amount of grant money to the HMR Water District for upgraded infrastructure.

The water meters within the District have been installed within water meter pits. The meter pits are located on or near property lines where water services are connected to new water mains. These pits are outfitted with insulation and enable the meters to be located below grade. However, even with the use of insulated pits, meters with stagnated water are subject to freezing. Frost and cold can and eventually does permeate down to the meter. For this reason, the HMR Water District would like to explain the existing regulations and proposed mitigation techniques to keep meters from freezing during the winter months.

Many property owners leave to other locations during the Sublette County winter season. We ask that if you do leave for an extended period in the winter, please contact the HMR Water District’s Operators to schedule a free water turn off in order to drain the meter and service prior to winter. Property owners are encouraged to help the District maintain the system with new meter and help keep it from freezing. HMR current regulations state that “The Owner will be responsible for installing and maintaining the line, to the District ’s specifications and using the District’s approved contractors, from the saddle to the point
of actual use, to include the curb stop. All property Owners shall keep their pipes, connections, and other apparatus in good repair, and protected from frost and water damage at their own expense.”

Additional tips that help mitigate meter or service line freeze ups include leaving cumulated snow over meter pits/services for added insulation when possible; and running water when you are able or covering the meter with additional insulation if not in use during the winter.

We understand that these meters are new, were installed as part of the project and are now inherited by the property owner. We want to do everything we can to help as we go through these first winters with the meters. The District has ordered additional insulation for meter pits and will be installing them. The District Water Operator will shut off and drain your meter if you are leaving for the winter season and will turn it back on at your request. Please help to make sure that we minimize the potential for frozen service
lines and meters as we enter the winter season.

HMR Water District Board

HMR Water District Contacts:

District Email:
Water operator: Jorgensen (307) 367-6548